How to clean a Sage coffee machine

If you own a Sage espresso machine then you’re officially classified as a coffee aficionado. However, taking it to coffee pro status and re creating that home cafe status takes practise and understanding before you can master the art completely. One fundamental thing to understand how to correctly clean a sage coffee machine is that, a clean coffee machine equals delicious-tasting drinks. Giving your machine the TLC it deserves from day one will mean it’ll have a far longer life-span.

You’ll notice inside your box there will be a sage cleaning manual for your specific model you purchased however, we’ve put together a list of the best Sage Tips & Tricks so that we can help you take your coffee making game to the next level.

Your Sage machine talks to you

Did you know that your Sage machine can talk to you? Sorry, we’re just kidding,..however for simplicity, your machine will actually let you know when it’s time for a clean. After producing 200 or so coffees the screen will show a ‘clean me’ alert.

Follow these instructions to stay on top of the cleaning regime:

  1. Insert the cleaning disc into the single portafilter and add the Sage cleaning tablet.
  2. Ensure the drip tray is inserted, the tank is filled with fresh water and lock the portafilter into the group head.
  3. Navigate through the options until you get to the ‘Clean Cycle’ and press the ‘Manual’ or ‘Select’ button which will be highlighted.
  4. Once activated the cycle will carry out it’s auto back-flush cleaning cycle removing those nasty coffee oils and stale coffee flavours.
  5. Once it has finished remove the portafilter and check that the cleaning tablet has completely dissolved (If it hasn’t, run through the cycle once more).
  6. Rinse the portafilter handle, basket and cleaning disc thoroughly after use.
  7. Add the cleaning disc back into the portafilter handle and re-insert into the group head without the tablet, press the ‘Manual’ button again, leave for a moment before turning off again. Repeat this a handful of times to ensure both the tablet solution and old coffee reminents have to clean a sage coffee machine

    How often should I clean my Sage Coffee Machine?

    Learning how to clean your sage machine properly is so important (in case we haven’t already emphasised) so we’ve summarised a short list of the top sage coffee parts and accessories which need regular cleaning and at what frequency. Enjoy.

Portafilter Handle Cleaning

Frequency? Daily

It’s always a good idea to rinse the portafilter after use with some hot water from the machine. If you have the luxury of your kitchen sink close by to the machine then try to get in the habit of using that rather than the machine. Why? The less water pulled through the machine means you’ll be saving money on filter replacements. Your machine will also last longer.

Once every 2 weeks or so it’s worth doing a more thorough clean on the sage portafitler handles. Dissolve a cleaning tablet into a container filled with boiling water to soak these for 5 to 10 minutes. You can also add the shower screen if you’re able to remove it by carefully unscrewing it. Important note: Ensure when you soak the handles that you don’t submerge the handle itself into the solution as that can lead to discolouration and weakening of the material.

Any standard de-tannin powder such as puly-caffe is a perfect solution to removing coffee build up.

Back-flush Cleaning

Frequency? Daily

We absolutely recommend a daily back-flush cleaning cycle for optimum flavour results. The group head is the location of the machine that collects the most coffee oils, grounds and harsh stale flavours. It really is as simple as, clean machine equals tasty espresso. You can purchase stiff coffee machine cleaning brushes (otherwise, you can use a bristly old toothbrush) to frequently give the head a clean to remove old coffee particles.

Insert the blank cleaning disc into the single portafilter and lock this into the group head. Activate the single shot button, or manually turn  button on and off to allow pressure to build up within the basket. Repeat this three times for 20-30 seconds each time to remove any residual coffee oils or grounds.

Cleaning the Drip Tray

Frequency? Daily

Let’s be honest, the Sage drip tray is pretty small and fills up quickly. It’s to be expected for a machine that has such a fantastically small footprint. We’ve all over filled the drip tray and had to wobble our way across the kitchen floor to empty it whilst covering half the floor in the process. However, our best advice is to empty the drip tray more frequently to avoid this.

Give everything connected to the drip tray a good rinse in soapy water and use a cloth to remove any coffee oils or build up.

Changing the Water Filter

Frequency? Every 2-3 months

This is something you’re going to want to set yourself a reminder for as it’s one of the most important things you can do to ensure longevity for your sage machine. Limescale is the enemy of coffee machines, especially if you live in a hard water area such. In hard water areas such as London it’s a good idea to consider changing the filter a little more frequently to prevent limescale build up. Use your other household appliances as a good reference point for this. Does your kettle need de-scaling every other week? Well there’s a good chance your filter will need to be changed more frequently. If there is some notable scale build-up within the tank or externally on the machine by the hot water outlet then we recommend manually descaling the coffee machine. Follow the instructions inside your manual to activate this.

Want more info on descaling? We’ve produced a 2021 how to guide on how to descale your sage coffee machine. 


Steam Wand Maintenance

Frequency? Daily

Steam wand maintenance is one of the last key things to clean when looking to learn how to clean a sage coffee machine. It’s great practise whenever steaming milk based drinks. to you always follow each steam by a purge and then wipe with a designated milk cloth. If you stick to this good habit you’ll never experience any issues with you Sage machine’s steam arm. Milk or milk alternatives are not great products when they are heated, so if you let milk harden on your steam wand you’ll be asking for trouble. Steam wands act as a vacuum and milk droplets will make their way inside your machine, going sour and blocking up the pipework if you aren’t careful.

*If your steam wand is ever completely blocked after trying to descale the machine then you’ll need to contact Sage for further advice. They have a fantastic after-sales and warranty service too which is why we choose them as our machine partner.

Head over to our blog If you’re looking to learn how to steam the best milk on your sage coffee machine.

Milk Cloth Tips

Our tip is to buy two different coloured micro-fibre cloths which are dedicated for cleaning. One of those (preferably black), will be used solely for cleaning the portafilter handle basket and sides to remove general oils and mess. The other (insert colour of your choice) will be dedicated to milk only and should never be cross contaminated with cleaning up coffee grounds. Why? If you use the coffee cloth to wipe the wand, it could result in coffee grounds being sucked up by your steam wand which acts as a vacuum.

When using the micro-fibre cleaning cloth to wipe the steam wand, ensure the cloth is damp with hot water as it makes it much easier for keep the wand in clean condition.

Have more questions that haven’t been answered in this article? Check our our Sage FAQ’s post where we cover more frequently asked questions related to Sage coffee machines.

Additional Important Notes:
*Do not immerse power cord, power plug or appliance in water or any other liquid. The water tank should never be removed or completely emptied during descaling
*Do not use abrasive cleansers, pads or cloths which can scratch the surface. Do not clean any of the parts or accessories in the dishwasher.

The post How to clean a Sage coffee machine appeared first on Balance Coffee.

from Balance Coffee


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