
Showing posts from December, 2021

Types of coffee: choose the right coffee beans for you

While walking through the coffee aisle of your local supermarket or a coffee shop, you would have noticed bags of coffee that say ‘Arabica beans’ on them. These nuggets of information give us a glimpse of the growing conditions, climate, prices, and more that went into making your favourite cup of coffee. Arabica is one of the most common coffee beans , accounting for over 55-60% of the coffee produced globally. However, there are some other beans that you may not have heard of. Let’s start your journey into types of coffee beans, and how to pick the best coffee, with this informative article. Types of coffee There are two main types of coffee – Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta. More commonly, these coffees are referred to as Arabica and Robusta. The other two, lesser-known varieties are Liberica and Excelsa – found only in South East Asia. Liberica and Excelsa account for only about 1% of the total coffee produced. Arabica (Coffea arabica) Originated many centuries ago in the...

How to Grind Coffee Beans Without A Grinder

Do you want to dig into a cup of hot steaming coffee that tastes and smells just like a barista right in the comforts of your home? Look no further as I have got the perfect solution for you, as today we explain everything about how to grind coffee beans at home for maximum flavour.  You can have that ultimate caffeine experience by using freshly ground beans of the highest quality, made at home, that can satisfy both your taste buds and your soul. Why Grind Coffee Beans when Pre-Ground Coffee is Available? If you wonder why the pre-ground coffee beans from the supermarket do not give you the same taste and flavour as the freshly ground coffee you get from a barista, the answer lies in the degree of freshness. Coffee beans do a better job of retaining freshness when compared to pre-ground coffee. That’s because the wholebean locks in the gasses and flavours. Coffee beans typically last between 5-10 weeks after roasting because of this fact. However, when you compare this to ...

What is Specialty Grade Coffee? Why Does it Taste So Good?

With more and more people realising that the quality of coffee can really make a difference in your morning cup of joe, more “speciality” coffees are hitting the shelves than ever before. But what exactly does “speciality grade coffee” mean, and how is it any different from every other cup of coffee? Specialty coffees are generally held to a higher standard than other types of coffees such as ‘commercial grade coffee’, and this leads to a far better taste. How that is actually achieved is what we’re here to talk about today. At Craft Coffee Spot and Balance Coffee , we recognise the importance of making informed decisions, and understanding specialty coffee is no exception. We’ve researched information and shared the criteria to help you understand exactly how specialty-grade coffee stands out as a the most effective way to make sure the coffee you are drinking is top quality. In this article, we’ll share everything you need to know about specialty-grade coffee. Specialty Grade Cof...